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Viscerele lui Behringer ADA8000

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2 Responses to “Viscerele lui Behringer ADA8000”

  1. Antonio spune:

    Hello there. My ADA8000 has died on me for the second time. Same problem as the first time, but first time it was in warranty period and it was repaired by Thomann. Now I have to do it myself and I don’t have much of a clue.

    It’s a rev G model. I switched it on and the lights shined dimly, with half of the usual brightness. I thought it was just my impression but I tried to record throught it and it wasn’t working. I tried to find some info in the internet and found this post.

    I brought the device to an uncle of mine who is very technically skilled. We have opened the thing this afternoon and checked the voltages of the regulators. Every tension seems to be ok but one, the +5va, which measured at the phantom led indicators is reduced to 3,39v. We have followed the tracing and arrived to the T19 transistor in reverse of the main board, but we are not able to find such component in the schematics we own. Could you help me with the issue? Thanks in advance for your time!

    • Muad'Dib spune:

      At this moment we do not own the schematic involved in your version. However, why don’t you replace the transistor with any BC compatible transistor and see what’s happening?

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