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Online training – “Khaliq Glover aka Khaliq-O-Vision”Cursuri online – “Khaliq Glover aka Khaliq-O-Vision”

If you will ever hit Mister’s Khaliq websites (eqsecretes and so on), don’t lose too much time (or money).

This guy’s “webinars” are kind of shoe selling (long) hours. All you’ll here is “you will get free from me the secret of life” and, from time to time, his friends “wassss’uuuuup” moments 🙂
This is all you’ll find out about music.

I have no idea how this guy got a Grammy, but I imagine he is preparing a very god coffee.

Daca dai de baiatul asta pe net, poate ca ai ceva mai bun de facut cu timpul tau (daca nu ai, te pot ajuta eu).

Daca totusi asisti la unul dintre “webinarele” lui, intra in direct si intreaba-l pentru ce munca mai exact a primit Grammy-ul ala si mai ales cat de mare era echipa dar nu in ultimul rand, cine prepara cafeaua 😛

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