English version available in 4 weeks.Am testat un microfon Azden SMX-10 (microfon pentru camere DSLR) si un Zoom H1n.
Articolul detaliat cu exemple il gasiti pe blogul F64 Studio.
English version available in 4 weeks.Am testat un microfon Azden SMX-10 (microfon pentru camere DSLR) si un Zoom H1n.
Articolul detaliat cu exemple il gasiti pe blogul F64 Studio.
After few experiences with different audio equipment manufacturers, I’ve decided to share some.
One would expect large well known companies offering high quality support, when cheappo companies offering… cheappo customer services.
Well, at least in my experience, things are quite vice versa.
Steinberg – nepoliticosi, suportul local nici macar nu a vazut vreodata produsele pentru care ar trebui sa ofere suport.
Mackie – suportul este “oficial” inexistent, iar daca primesti un raspuns, e in bataie de joc.
Behringer – surprinzator, au o aplicatie de suport adevarata, ofera suport international, primesti raspuns politicos in maxim 12 ore.
Pentru detalii, vezi varianta in engleza, sa mor io’ daca ma asteptam la asa ceva.
Astia de la Behringer is praf, au cele mai proaste scule, ce nu pricep e de ce nu isi trag si ei un suport prost ca ceilalti, poate asa or sa faca scule mai bune :-))
Lampifier one-eleven
Probably one of the most interesting development in the live microphone market in the last 10 years… (work in progress)
“Don’t trust what you read. Hear for yourself.
Don’t trust what you hear. See for yourself.”
The other day I was digging the net for some reviews about Behringer ADA 8000 converter. One of the first that came out from your favorite search engine, was this.
Mr. Joe Shambro appeared as a man with reasonable common sense and trusty. At the end of the review he was kind enough to prove his opinion by posting audio samples.
Now, my first red lights usually punch in when I read keywords like “transient detail” in conjunction with “lack of”.
Treaba cu review-urile de pe net e ca lumea citeshte, asculta, si zice da, dom’le, asa e, ce prost suna interfata aia, cum ar putea sa sune bine, la doar 200 de euroi, cand aialalta costa 1000?
Daca lumea ar avea o surubelnita la indemana si ar desface ambele cutii, s-ar inverzi sa vada ca gaseste aceleasi convertoare (de la … Alesis, culmea) in ambele interfete.
Evident ca lumea va gasi o “explicatie” imediat “dar depinde cum sunt facute, si celelalte piese de pe langa ele, si cum sunte ecranate ele, si cum sunt lipite, si schemele mai destepte…
Au dreptate, de aia suna manelele asa de bine si ne imbogatim noi si fratii nostri, iar ai lor moare de foame 😀
Spor la nunti si la botezuri, bastane ! Read more…
Mr. Alan Parsons is already history.
History as in making-history-man.
The guy happened to work on Abbey Road Studios when this place was the music technology avant-garde with all that stereo weird thingy and tape untraditional installations.
Well, don’t imagine he was THE MAN back in ’69, when the Beatles was recording their last disc (“Abbey Road”). He was some kind of assistant back then (he was probably making good coffee :P) but hey, he was there. And somehow, he got touched by the “virus” and he never got healed.
Now, back to our “Art & science of science recording” project.
At this moment there are three DVD’s available for streaming ($1.99 per chapter) or download ($ 4.99 per chapter). Not much, but… what’s inside?
Alan Persons asta, habar nu are de nimica.
Le cara cablurile la studio si stergea acidu de pe jos dupa ce pleca Beatles, si acuma se da si el mare sunetist.
Mai si face reclama la Steinberg, BAAAA, de Pro Tools nu ai auzit ?!?
Pun pariu ca daca ii dau o manea sa o masterizeze, habar nu are cum se face.
Vai steaua lui, sa vina la noi sa invete cum se face treaba.
If you will ever hit Mister’s Khaliq websites (eqsecretes and so on), don’t lose too much time (or money).
This guy’s “webinars” are kind of shoe selling (long) hours. All you’ll here is “you will get free from me the secret of life” and, from time to time, his friends “wassss’uuuuup” moments 🙂
This is all you’ll find out about music.
I have no idea how this guy got a Grammy, but I imagine he is preparing a very god coffee.
Daca dai de baiatul asta pe net, poate ca ai ceva mai bun de facut cu timpul tau (daca nu ai, te pot ajuta eu).
Daca totusi asisti la unul dintre “webinarele” lui, intra in direct si intreaba-l pentru ce munca mai exact a primit Grammy-ul ala si mai ales cat de mare era echipa dar nu in ultimul rand, cine prepara cafeaua 😛
You know where the manual is so I’ll not reproduce that here.
Actually, this is the best manual I’ve ever seen, is only three and half pages :-))
In short, you get 8 mic/line analog inputs and 8 analog outputs. There is no internal hardware mixer, so you get all the inputs converted to ADAT and all 8 outputs converted from ADAT. You will need some optical fiber in order to play this toy 😛
Frate, sculele de la Behringer is ieftine si proaste.
Si in plus, daca te vede cineva cu asa ceva in rack, rade de tine.
Poi suntem golani sau nu mai suntem ?!?
Cumpara frate ceva frumos, un Pro Tools HD de exemplu, sa vezi ce merge maneaua pe ele !