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Archive for the 'Gutted' Category

Gutting Zoom H1 recorderChirurgie pe Zoom H1

If you are interested in why the Zoom recorders are so clean (and cheap), check this out.

The Zoom H1 recorder is using a TLV320AIC3101 (Texas Instruments low power stereo audio codec for portable audio and telephony) and JRC 2100 (NJM2100 low voltage, low saturation output voltage dual operational amplifier).Daca vrei sa vezi de ce reportofoanele Zoom sunt asa de silentioase (si de ieftine), vezi  aici.

Zoom H1 foloseste un TLV320AIC3101 (Texas Instruments low power stereo audio codec for portable audio and telephony) si JRC 2100 (NJM2100 low voltage, low saturation output voltage dual operational amplifier).

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Gutting Behringer ADA8000Viscerele lui Behringer ADA8000

Hi there !

I just got a brand new Behringer ADA8000 and, after a short test, I’ve decided to open the toy.

Behringer ADA8000

I’ll post here my findings as soon as they surface.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment (quick, until I’ll close the patient).

Preamplifier section: every channel is made with two A970 GR 90 low noise audio amplifier transistors. After that there are two W1G (P8) SMD transistors. I’m not so good on SMD transistor markings, but my best guess would be BC847 type transistor (general purpose transistor).
From here, the signal path is wired through an unshielded 10cm wire to the main board to 074C made bye ST (Low noise J-FET input quad operational amplifier) .

The transistor preamplifier section is a typical differential amplifier configuration, found in any operational amplifier.

Asteapa sa scriu versiunea in engleza intai.. sau citeste acolo, data te pricepi.

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posted by Noise in Gutted and have Comments (2)