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Archive for the 'Events' Category

Earth hour 2012Ora Pamantului 2012

Earth hour 2012

Today we could do something special.
Power down your studio monitors, unplug your tube guitar combo, shut down your computer, take a candle and get out.

Yes, out, as in OUTSIDE.
You are allowed to have the video camera or your portable sound recorder with you.
Do whatever you feel like, but studio off.

Have a nice Earth hour day,
NoiseOra Pamantului 2012

 Azi de la 20:30 am o treaba cu tine: opreste monitoarele, omoara interfata, taie gazul si iesi afara.
Vezi ca ai concerte in oras.
Sau poti sparge seminte la scara.


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Dynamic Range Day 2012Ziua Internationala “Dynamic range”. Adica las-o moale, ca’ e tare !

Well, two days left for the International Dynamic Range Day 2012.

If you have no idea about, rush on dynamicrangeday.co.uk. Is a contest there also.
If you want to be part of it, join the events all over the Planet via meetup services.

Go go, stop the war !Cum s-ar zice, mai inshetutz, ca’i mai dragutz.

Vezi aici  despre ce e vorba. Daca ai stil, poate castigi si un mare premiu (stiu ca partea asta are sa iti placa mult).

Daca vrei sa iei parte la marea bauta, baga mare, ca’ nu doare.

Liniste frate, ca-i mai buna decat toate.

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