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Archive for June, 2014

Why some live vocal microphones sounds better than otherDe ce unele microfoane de voce suna mai bine decat altele

Secret capsule

Live microphone capsule

(and they give you zero feedback, no matter what the **** your vocalist decide to dance right in front of the speakers)

It is because clever band technicians (and we are talking about The Band Technicians, not the equipment renting company technicians) are interested in the success of the show (they must live another day with the same artist 😐 ) and in making everyday life easier.

This is why, these guys have great respect for microphones like SM58, but they never use them (well, they use them when they can’t find the hammer :P).

For example, there are some well-known microphone manufacturers every artist wants to use because “they are so good” and as a technician, you can’t disagree – losing your job not being an option these days.
However, what one clever technician can do, is … changing the capsule 🙂
Making this more or less evident (visually) for the artist is, well, at the hand of the particular technician.
Enough said.

What I actually want to present you today is what a geek microphone creator made out of his mind.
You (probably) know that Heil is producing expensive(ish) capsules 😀
Well, what is interesting is that, these capsules, not only have a very low handling noise, but also very interesting other proprieties. This Heil technician discovered sorbothane, a material used at the time by NASA. Well, nothing fancy, rubber is good enough for a microphone, right?

See here what sorbothane is and how can you hit an egg with a large hammer and not break it (egg or hammer :P).

Marele secret


(si de ce nu iti flluiera, indiferent pe unde se plimba vocalistul cu ele, ca’ este el mare artist si trebuie sa faca altceva decat a facut la proba de sunet, numa’ sa te enerveze pe tine la butoane, ca’ de banii pe care ti-i plateste oricum hamalesti prea mult)

Am auzit pe undeva (dar nu la Romanica) despre niste sunetisti care schimba capsulele din microfoane, fara stirea vocalistului. Asta le confera doua avantaje:
1) Daca vocalistului i se pare ca ce bine suna SM-58 si isi cumpara si el unu’, ca “sa nu mai dea bani si la ala de la butoane  ca’ oricum nu face nimica” va avea o mare surpriza cand va descoperi ca SM-58-ul lui (chiar daca este original de la mama lui) suna altfel decat SM-58-ul tau 😀 . Nasol moment. Back to stage one, acum este momentul sa ceri o marire de salariu iar el nu va avea nimic de comentat, ca’ il arde buza 😀

2) Vocalistul se va simti el bine ca are in mana un “microfon foarte bun” marca Sure, original din Mexic, nu din China si in felul asta va canta mai bine la el (de SM-58).

Oricum o dai, numai avantaje.
Ca sa vezi cum de suna in felul ala capsulele de la Heil, uite cum e treaba cu sorbothanul asta, ca’ nu te lasa nici ouale sa (i) le spargi. Iar materialul ala are si alte efecte interesante, dar despre asta intr-un alt episod.

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