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Archive for January, 2011

About Customer supportDespre suport

After few experiences with different audio equipment manufacturers, I’ve decided to share some.

One would expect large well known companies offering high quality support, when cheappo companies offering… cheappo customer services.

Well, at least in my experience, things are quite vice versa.

Steinberg – nepoliticosi, suportul local nici macar nu a vazut vreodata produsele pentru care ar trebui sa ofere suport.

Mackie – suportul este “oficial” inexistent, iar daca primesti un raspuns, e in bataie de joc.

Behringer – surprinzator, au o aplicatie de suport adevarata, ofera suport international, primesti raspuns politicos in maxim 12 ore.

Pentru detalii, vezi varianta in engleza, sa mor io’ daca ma asteptam la asa ceva.
Astia de la Behringer is praf, au cele mai proaste scule, ce nu pricep e de ce nu isi trag si ei un suport prost ca ceilalti, poate asa or sa faca scule mai bune :-))

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Lampifier 111Lampifier 111

Lampifier one-eleven

Probably one of the most interesting development in the live microphone market in the last 10 years… (work in progress)

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