“Don’t trust what you read. Hear for yourself.
Don’t trust what you hear. See for yourself.”
The other day I was digging the net for some reviews about Behringer ADA 8000 converter. One of the first that came out from your favorite search engine, was this.
Mr. Joe Shambro appeared as a man with reasonable common sense and trusty. At the end of the review he was kind enough to prove his opinion by posting audio samples.
Now, my first red lights usually punch in when I read keywords like “transient detail” in conjunction with “lack of”.
Treaba cu review-urile de pe net e ca lumea citeshte, asculta, si zice da, dom’le, asa e, ce prost suna interfata aia, cum ar putea sa sune bine, la doar 200 de euroi, cand aialalta costa 1000?
Daca lumea ar avea o surubelnita la indemana si ar desface ambele cutii, s-ar inverzi sa vada ca gaseste aceleasi convertoare (de la … Alesis, culmea) in ambele interfete.
Evident ca lumea va gasi o “explicatie” imediat “dar depinde cum sunt facute, si celelalte piese de pe langa ele, si cum sunte ecranate ele, si cum sunt lipite, si schemele mai destepte…
Au dreptate, de aia suna manelele asa de bine si ne imbogatim noi si fratii nostri, iar ai lor moare de foame 😀
Spor la nunti si la botezuri, bastane ! Read more…